20 Greatest Spock Moments

5. To Seek Out New Life

The Devil in the Dark is an episode that perfectly demonstrates the €œseek out new life€ aspect of Star Trek€™s message. A mining colony is menaced by something lurking in the tunnels and killing miners one by one. The Enterprise arrives to investigate. In a touching scene that showcases the Vulcan ability to mind-meld with other living beings, Spock merges his mind with that of the subterranean creature, the Horta, as we learn it is called, and discovers it is killing the miners only to protect its offspring. Spock places himself in danger, coming into contact with the Horta, not only to save the remaining miners, but to find the truth behind the mystery and discover an alternative to destroying the Horta. As he says at one point in the episode, to kill a creature that is the last of its kind would be €œa crime against science.€

Aaron Smith is a writer who can't stick to one genre. He's written horror, mystery, fantasy, and espionage novels and short stories, including new tales of Sherlock Holmes. A lifelong fan of movies, comics, good books, obscure trivia, and the New York Yankees, he lives in northern New Jersey.