20 Incredible Star Trek Concept Art Designs You Need To See

11. Enterprise-A – Star Trek Beyond

Paramount Pictures

Sean Hargreaves was responsible for creating the USS Enterprise-A that appeared in the closing shots of Star Trek Beyond and would've presumably been the main setting for SJ Clarkson's aborted Star Trek 4.

According to Hargreaves, the Kelvin Timeline's Enterprise-A was intended to reflect a "beefier" model of Ryan Church's version of the ship from Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness. Still, Hargreaves took the opportunity to rethink numerous other aspects of the ship, shifting angle of the leading edge of the saucer and orientation of the warp nacelles to give the ship the appearance of forward motion.

As the previous Enterprise was destroyed in Star Trek Beyond when Krall attacked its vulnerable sections like the warp pylons and connecting neck, Hargreaves' Enterprise-A is reinforced in both of those sections.

As the ship is sadly relegated to just a few seconds of screen time and has never been made into a commercially available model or toy, Hargreaves concept art is some of the only imagery of the Enterprise-A avialable to starship porn lovers.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).