20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About George RR Martin

16. He Bought The First Ever Comic-Con Ticket

George R.R. Martin has an almost Zelig-like ability to be present for all the major events in the history of nerd culture. He has had friendships and relationships with many of the biggest names in SF and fantasy, and he was also right there at the beginning of the biggest event in the nerd calendar. Yes, according to legend and at least semi-confirmed by experts, Martin was at the first comic convention. Not only that, but Martin reportedly bought the first ticket to the first Comic-Con. This was back in the sixties, a much simpler time, when conventions were just a bunch of geeks meeting up to rifle through back issue bins and perhaps meet some of their heroes. They weren't the all-singing, all-dancing Hollywood hype machine it is today. Martin, as a card-carrying dork who loved comics, frequented conventions a lot back then and continues to to this day. First and foremost he was a fan, which is why he's so good with fans today. Martin was at the 1964 New York Comicon, the first comic convention ever, and he was so excited to go hang out with his fellow nerds he bought the first ticket when they went on sale.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/