20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Twin Peaks

11. Lost Highway Is Set In The Same Universe

David Lynch is not a man who likes to talk about his work. Despite agreeing to appearances in a wealth of DVD extras, interviews with the press and an entire book presented as a conversation with the director on his work (Lynch On Lynch), he remains spectacularly cagey on revealing the meanings, influences or even thought process behind his movies, records and TV shows. Which means that, when he occasionally does open up, you definitely listen. Especially when it's as intriguing as the revelation that Twin Peaks is set in the same universe as one of Lynch's other major works €“ the movie Lost Highway. Now this isn't the beginning of a Marvel-esque Shared Cinematic Universe that ends with Sheryl Lee, Bill Pullman and Henry Rollins teaming up to take down BOB and the pale-faced Mystery Man who have caused them so much trouble per se. But it is pretty cool that there's some connective tissue between Lynch's projects besides his singularly surreal vision and the eerie themes and visuals that underpin much of his work. Turns out all those deep reds and curtains in Lost Highway (where Bill Pullman may or may not kill his wife who may or may not have cheated on him, goes to prison, and is released when he appears to turn into a different man overnight in his cell in a scene reminiscent of Leland/BOB behind bars).
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Twin Peaks
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/