20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Twin Peaks

18. BOB Appeared By Accident

David Lynch is known for playing fast and loose with his projects, never having a set path when he starts off and allowing improvisation and sudden inspiration to guide him. It works for the dream logic of his films but, if it appears that it would be a little off with the structure of a serialised murder mystery TV show €“ well, you'd be wrong, because he did it there too. The supernatural mythology of Twin Peaks that slowly emerged over its two seasons appeared to have some logical, historical basis and sound planning behind it, and it mostly centred on Killer BOB €“ the spirit that allegedly infected Leland Palmer and drew him to kill his daughter, amongst others (erm, spoilers for 25 years ago?). That's both disputed and refuted by Fire Walk With Me, but there's no denying BOB was a key element of the show. Which is impressive, considering he wasn't originally planned to appear at all. In fact, BOB actor Frank Silva was just the show's set dresser €“ but when his reflection appeared by accident in a mirror in Laura Palmer's room during a shot, Lynch kept the blooper in and worked it into the story, with Silva's interesting looks and intense expression being the kernel from which the supernatural side of Twin Peaks developed.
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Twin Peaks
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/