20 Most Cringeworthy Star Trek: The Next Generation Moments

3. Tasha Yar's Anti-Drug Speech From Symbiosis (1988)

Remember those 'special episodes' we talked about? Time to talk about drugs, kids! In Symbiosis, the crew encounters two groups of related aliens, one of which has gotten the other addicted to a drug using the mistaken belief that the addicts are suffering from a deadly disease. After Crusher watches two of the aliens shoot up and realizes that they're enjoying their treatment just a little too much, the crew discusses the situation, and this leads Wesley to wonder aloud, in the most contrived way, why anyone would willingly do drugs (since, of course, these aliens aren't). In swoops Tasha Yar to explain her own experience with drugs - and god, is it awful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K6n-QFm7Pc This ridiculous speech ends with Wesley saying that he still doesn't understand, and Tasha saying that she hopes he never does. Don't worry, Tash - he won't. And since you'll be killed next week by an oil slick, you won't ever have to worry about it again. Wish we could say the same.

Tony Whitt has previously written TV, DVD, and comic reviews for CINESCAPE, NOW PLAYING, and iF MAGAZINE. His weekly COMICSCAPE columns from the early 2000s can still be found archived on Mania.com. He has also written a book of gay-themed short stories titled CRESCENT CITY CONNECTIONS, available on Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle format. Whitt currently lives and works in Chicago, Illinois.