20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

7. Uhura

Data Star Trek

Uhura is without a doubt one of the most important characters from the original series but, she’s far more than that. She is a genuinely important socio-political and historical figure. No, not in the Star Trek universe, in real life.

As a black woman in a position of authority and command she provided an example of how things could and should be. She was and is a role model for countless people across the world and represented equality and diversity in the media long before those things were embraced.

When Nichelle Nichols considered leaving the show, Martin Luther King Jr, called her and told her that she must continue. Actual Martin Luther King Jr! That’s unbelievable.

While Gene Roddenberry was undoubtedly purposeful in his diverse cast, part of its great impact was how little attention he drew to it. Within the world, it was completely normalised as simply the way things are. Rightly so, it got attention, from individuals, from little boys and girls, from groups, from commentators and from society. And as a result, over time, Uhura, Nichelle Nichols and Star Trek played their part in a chorus of change that made the world a better place and is still making the world a better place today.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.