20 Most Shocking TV Character Deaths EVER

10. Gus Fring - Breaking Bad

This Is Us Jack Death

Sometimes, the most shocking deaths also happen to be the most twistedly satisfying, which certainly feels true of Gus Fring's explosive demise in Breaking Bad's season four finale, "Face Off."

After months clashing for power, conspiring in the shadows and slitting throats, Gus and Walt's war finally came to a head toward the show's penultimate season, as Gus tightened his hold on his bitter subordinate's family and Walt grew increasingly desperate to wriggle himself free.

In "Face Off" - a perfectly titled episode if ever there was one - Gus, in an uncharacteristic moment of boasting, confronts his arch nemesis Hector to gloat about his recent successes. The meeting acts as a perfect opportunity for Walt to strike, as he fits Hector's wheelchair with a pipe bomb. 

Gus realises what's happening far too late, blindsided by Hector's menacing scowl, but to his credit remains calm to the end, straightening his tie after the bomb goes off, half his face missing, before succumbing to his wounds. Cold to the end, Gus's demise was appalling, but also doomed Walt himself in the process. 

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.