20 Things You Didn't Know About Friends

12. But Phoebe Might Never Have Been A Twin

Smart, creative writing led to Lisa Kudrow€™s dual roles in Friends and Mad About You being acknowledged and Phoebe and Ursula becoming twins. However, that could easily have never been necessary €“ because Lisa Kudrow very nearly wasn€™t Phoebe at all. The year before Friends was put together, NBC€™s Frasier started life as a spin-off from their mega-hit Cheers, which was just finishing its historic eleven year run. Kudrow, who had appeared in an episode of Cheers a few years earlier, had auditioned for the regular part of Roz, Frasier€™s producer and close friend €“ and been cast in the role. As everyone and their monkey knows, Frasier became a success as well, although not as massive a hit as Cheers before it and Friends after. Had Kudrow stayed in the role of Roz, she would never have auditioned for Friends: fortunately for both the television audience and Kudrow in particular, things didn€™t work out on Frasier. In rehearsals for the pilot, something wasn€™t clicking and the casting director eventually had to tell her that they were going to recast Roz. Kudrow already had an inkling, however:
"I knew it wasn't working. I could feel it all slipping away, and I was panicking, which only made things worse.€
Of course, the role of Phoebe Buffay made Kudrow phenomenally successful, not to mention rich, so since then she€™s agreed that being fired from Frasier was one of the best things that€™s ever happened to her.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.