20 Things Fans Of Pretty Little Liars Will Understand

20. Why Are They Not Having Mental Breakdowns?

Like, seriously? They have been physically, emotionally and psychologically tortured by A for years, YEARS. A has murdered people that they went to school with, put Aria in a box with a dead body and tried to push her off a moving train, kidnapped all of them and Sarah by making them dolls in a real life doll house, and set up Ali for murder. How are they still getting up in the morning and being okay with life? They're all sleeping by themselves, not re-decorating their rooms after the doll house capture (Hanna is the only one who gets that), and nothing that A is doing is affecting them. You know for sure that you'd be in be committing a crime just to be safe in a prison cell under 24/7 protection and care; it's just getting to prison safely first that's the problem.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com