20 Things Only People Addicted To Soaps Can Understand

7. Smugly Predicting How Plotlines Are Going To Play Out

With the previous point in mind, if you€™ve watched a particular soap for a long period you do start to learn how the writers€™ minds work. You can tell if they€™re trying to set up two characters to have an affair at least two weeks in advance, and the €œshocking€ deaths rarely shock you because you could tell that their usefulness as a character has come to an end. You€™d think that this would make you less interested in watching, but no. There€™s nothing like the feeling of triumph when you successfully predict who€™s going to be the next surprise victim of a traumatic accidental shooting, and you can€™t give up that sweet success for anything.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.