20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

19. Anakin's Eyes In Vader's Helmet

Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7 Darth Vader

Jumping all the way to the final-ever scene of Star Wars: The Clone Wars now, and to the visual of a fallen Anakin Skywalker discovering his old Padawan Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber a few years on from the conclusion of the titular battles.

It's a properly moving beat to bring the incredibly impactful series to its end, with Darth Vader also taking in the Tribunal Star Destroyer which crashed on this snowy moon as Order 66 started to alter the galaxy, all whilst wondering whether his Padawan was still among those who survived the purge.

But look closely at the masked icon's face as he raises his head to look at something hovering above him in the sky (which we'll get to, don't worry!), and after a quick pause of the action you'll actually be able to spot a quite interesting detail you likely missed during a first watch.

Instead of burning yellow and red with anger as they often were during this period in his life, here the Sith Lord's eyes behind the red lenses appear more like the ones seen on a pre-fall Anakin Skywalker. 

This was likely because the one-time Jedi Knight was thinking about an Ahsoka he once cared deeply about in this moment, with that thought and this visual highlighting how the good man buried deep within still wasn't entirely lost here.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...