20 TV Episodes That Are Practically Flawless

18. Rick & Morty - Pickle Rick

Better Call Saul

If you were to get someone to watch Rick & Morty for the first time, you'd do well to start with Pickle Rick, an uber-violent, utterly random assault of low-brow humour and surprising catharsis that to date remains the show's crowning achievement.

Desperate to get out of a family therapy session, Rick turns himself into a pickle and, abandoned and trapped with just his smarts, finds himself caught up in a battle for survival against inclement weather, cockroaches, rats, and bloodthirsty assassins.

Gory and gloriously twisted, Pickle Rick deals with Rick's narcissistic inability to maintain a healthy relationship with his daughter, Beth, whilst showing off how intelligent and, yes, certifiably insane he truly is. As far as Rick & Morty episodes go, it's hard to find any that better capture the show's mad-cap wonder.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.