20 TV Shows That Are Practically Flawless

12. Game Of Thrones

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Whenever Game of Thrones is brought up, the discussion is likely to land on how the final episode - or the entire final season - ruined everything it had been working toward. But to do that is to forget how truly spectacular, awe-inspiring and perfectly pitched the fantasy epic was throughout the majority of its run.

A fantasy war drama steeped in gritty realism, characterised by its packed ensemble, grisly violence, stunning production design, gratuitous sex and immeasurable body count, the series told the story of the battle for the Iron Throne, a simple premise elevated by the inclusion of magic, dragons, and even horror.

At its best, Game of Thrones featured the best TV writing on offer, balancing the journeys of Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya and more with innovative battle scenes and political intrigue. It was bold, bleak and unpredictable, and though it ended poorly, the show up until those final moments had been nothing short of a masterpiece.

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Mad Men
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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.