22 Problems Only Anime Fans Understand

4. Choosing Your Favorite Anime

"So, what's your favorite anime?" Mingle with fellow anime enthusiasts long enough and you will eventually be asked this all important question. Whether you like it or not, your favorite anime helps define you as a person within that community. It doesn't help that there is a ton of great anime out there, which makes it incredibly hard to pick which one gets the honor of being labeled your absolute favorite.

3. Lack Of Funds

The expansive world of anime means that there is a lot of material to consume. Since most of us don't have the luxury of being rich, there are many times where we would like to pick up that complete series box set but simply can't. We are forced to pick and choose which series gets to round out our collection. The fact is that you can't own them all without going completely bankrupt. Such is the life of the modern anime consumer. However, thanks to the internet and streaming services, we can still watch all the anime we want.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.