25 Best Supporting Characters From The Simpsons

13. Apu Nahasapeemapetilion

The hard-working, always cheery proprietor of the Kwik-E-Mart, Apu came to America on a student visa. Despite holding a Ph.D in Computer Science and being a very clever man, he took the job at the Kwik-E-Mart to pay off his student loans...and has been there ever since. Once a very eligible bachelor, Apu is, despite a sordid affair with the Squishy lady, happily married to Manjula and father to octuplets. He€™s also close friends with Paul McCartney and calls himself the €˜fifth Beatle.€™

12. Milhouse Van Houten

Bart Simpson€™s best friend and sidekick, and the only child of Kirk and Luann Van Houten, Milhouse is your prime target for bullies due to his thick glasses, lack of confidence and naive, gullible outlook on life. Despite his infatuation with Lisa, his sexuality has been questioned on more than one occasion and has been known to enjoy cross-dressing. However, Milhouse can speak fluent Italian, had a starring role in the Radioactive Man movie as Fallout Boy, and has had more girlfriends than Bart.

Rob has been an entertainment writer and blogger since 2008. He plies his trade an the Online Producer for Virgin Media Shorts and writes for TheShiznit.co.uk, Virgin Movies and Games. In the past he's written for Sky Atlantic, Sky 1 and the now-closed DVD & Blu-ray Review magazine. He and can boast ownership of a one-of-a-kind Muppet called Haynes.