True Detective is over for another year, and though this season certainly proved divisive (most will agree it wasn't a patch on Season 1), it still delivered its fair share of compelling television, if lacking the nuance of last year's effort. Above all else, it showed that the anthology format fits the show well, and much like Season 1, served up a ton of moments peculiar, disturbing, hilarious and flat-out gross. Of course, why put a cop show on HBO if it's not going to get down and dirty? If some complained that Season 2 felt too much like a generic police procedural, what kept it afloat aside from the solid performances was that pervasive feeling of weirdness, from odd character tics to out-of-nowhere deaths, and more genital mutilation than anyone really needs to see. Without any further ado, here are 25 WTF moments from True Detective Season 2...
25. That Super Weird Art Piece In Caspere's Home (Episode 1)
When Ray and Dixon pay a visit to Caspere's home, they come across an extremely strange art exhibit, a saucer full of milk within which appears to be floating a nude woman. Ray even stops to ask Dixon, "You see that too, right?", as if it just might be the drugs or booze playing tricks on him. As for the actual origin of the piece? It's called "White Water" by artist Peter Sarkisian, who loaned it to HBO as it was specifically referenced in the episode's script, on the condition that he would receive a credit (artists of this type are typically not credited for their works appearing on TV and in movies). As for how it works? The image of the nude woman is projected from above into the bowl.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.