27 Things Only One Tree Hill Fans Will Understand

Six billion souls. And sometimes - all you need is one.

One Tree Hill Cast Singing I Dont Want To Be Gif Gif It's hard to accept that it has been thirteen years since the pilot episode of One Tree Hill aired. From the get go, you knew that one of the Scott brothers was going to hold a special place in your heart for a very long time. You grew up with all of their dramas, struggles and celebrations and although you're absolutely devastated that it's over, you're glad that everyone got their happy ending. Well, everyone exceptKeith. You have learned what it is to have friends become your family and when some random guy came out of the blue claiming to be your brother, you were instantly weary of all of the Derek wannabes, thanks to Peyton. You're still desperately keen to host a dare night even though you're always the one who picks truth, but you're desperate for some good old teenage drama to reawaken you from the mundane routine you fell into in your 20s. Even though you might have spent way too much time trying to work out who A is, you still know that no teenage drama can come close to Schwan's masterpiece. There is only ever going to be one Tree Hill...

27. Julian's High Fives Were Legendary

Julian High Five One Tree Hill Gif Gif

Julian was so beautiful that it was obvious that he would end up with Brooke and it seemed impossible that he had any character flaws. He was a film producer and director, extremely charming and exceptionally easy on the eyes with that perfect smile and a gaze that made you imagine he was looking right into your soul... Sadly, the lad can't high five for sh*t.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com