27 Things Only One Tree Hill Fans Will Understand

22. You'd Buy A Drink From Chase And Karen

Chase Adams And Chris Keller One Tree Hill Gif Gif

Seeing as how Chase is famous for making the most disgusting drinks known to man, you're dying to try one because hopefully it would get you drunk a lot quicker. And you wouldn't have to live in a world where Chris Keller is getting some action and you aren't. As for Karen, she's just such a sweetheart and you'd go to her café for the warm welcome, some advice on life and for a cup of tea. You'll then be reminded that she once fancied Dan Scott and you'll feel sorry for her up until season six when you discover that you also love Dan. And all it took was for him to be held hostage for you to realise your true feelings.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com