3 Reasons Why The Big Bang Theory Has Gone Downhill

1. Too Many Couples

Bbbqq Lots of sitcoms focus on the ever changing relationships of the main characters and The Big Bang Theory proves to be no exception. Usually, this is great, but I'm starting to think that for a show that has so much more to give, TBBT places just a little too much emphasis on this. For a show that started off as four geeky guys going about their science and fandoms, with just one unattainable girl in their sights, it really seems to have changed. No longer do they stage random experiments in their living room in nearly every episode or constantly bicker about which superhero has the coolest powers. It's all about women for these men. Leonard has finally worn down the unattainable girl and has had her for quite a while now, was-a-sleaze-ball-Howard is happily married and Raj is making the most of finally being able to talk to women. Even Sheldon, who was thought to be asexual, is now on the path to pursuing an intimate relationship with Amy, tripping up over every relationship land-mine on the way. Now, I understand that to keep the show interesting they have to change some things and relationships are a simple choice: it's easy to do and the audience can relate to it. This would be fine if it was just on the side as it used to be, but it just seems that recently, relationships are included at the expense of the other elements that made the show great to start with: science and nerdiness. It feels as if they're just using the obvious relationships twists, turns and dilemmas to grab as many views as they can, but all we want is our old show back! Do you agree? Or do you wish to challenge my hypothesis? Leave your opinion in the comment section below.

Hayley is a twenty year old student, studying Creative Writing and Sociology at the University of Winchester. In her spare time she writes her novel, sings in a musical theatre choir and goes to the gym. For her creative writing blog: http://hayleymay1993.tumblr.com Or follow her on twitter: @miss_hayley_may