4 Most Annoying TV Fanbases

2. My Little Pony €“ Brony Cloppers

My Little Pony I€™m not one to judge people for enjoying a show deemed out of their target audience. I myself still have a deep affection for all things Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Power Rangers and High School Musical; however the people who have a love for these types of shows and adopt a persecution complex are the type of people who you think needed an extra cuddle when they were a baby...or are just plain ridiculous. I don€™t bring up the fact I like High School Musical in front of people only to go "Oh don€™t hate me because I like that! You€™re so judgemental!" That, FYI, would be a modest reaction for the hardcore group of bronies who have been known to accuse people who don€™t really care about their obsession as racists. If you ignore the bronies who overtake conventions, have been known to be involved in physical altercations, ruining the conventions for their younger audiences, and move straight on to the internet bronies, you enter a whole new world of weird and absolutely nowhere near wonderful. Rule 34 is an internet meme that should be kept that way, not adopted as a way of justifying porn of animated horses styled for and created for children. It dances a little too close to the bestiality/paedophilia lines for any reasonable person to appreciate. However, not only does such a branch of My Little Pony fandom exist (they call people who pleasure themselves to this porn cloppers), but they treat this as a rite of passage to "true fandom", some claiming you€™re not a real fan until you€™ve played with yourself over a cartoon horse. Those who do not partake in this are then attacked by these (I stress, minority) members who hijack messaging boards with fan fiction and animated horse porn as not being real fans and discriminating against those who do. If you don€™t believe me, read this account.
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.