4 Sci-Fi Franchises That Need To Be Rebooted

3. Andromeda

Andromeda, the ship and android Andromeda was a troubled show from the beginning. Conceived from a mishmash of notes from Gene Roddenberry and produced by a meddlesome production company at the tail end of the '80s €“ '00s syndication renaissance, it never had an uphill struggle to be competent, never mind good. However, it had former Star Trek: Deep Space 9 writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe as a head writer, who managed to get strong corps of writers on the show and create a fairly in-depth universe bible. Unfortunately, star and co-producer Kevin Sorbo managed to get Wolfe off the show partway through the second season, which led to an insane decline in quality. Eventually the fifth season of the show, produced primarily to hit the ideal 100 episodes for syndication, had to eschew the title ship for a good chunk of episodes to save money. After a lackluster finale, the show passed into the annals of mediocre and forgotten scifi shows from that era. The main problem with Andromeda was that kicking Wolfe off the show also took the show's premise with it €“ Andromeda's quest to rebuild the government that collapsed while the ship and her captain were trapped near the event horizon of a black hole. With Sorbo at the helm, Andromeda wound up being the equivalent of Star Trek V €“ a love letter to Sorbo's character Dylan Hunt (who was pretty much a low rent Kirk clone in those final seasons) - and a generic Trek clone to anyone who discovered it after Wolfe's final episodes aired. Figuring out how to reboot Andromeda is a bit difficult, because on one hand, there's a ton of untapped background universe information out there that wouldn't necessarily lend itself well to a TV show, but might work in a video game. On the other, the Andromeda premise works best if you closely follow the crew trying to rebuild a fallen society. One way to solve the problem might be to reboot Andromeda as a TV/game hybrid like Defiance, with a Star Trek Online like MMO handling the in-depth exploration of the universe, while the TV show focuses on the overarching plot and occasionally references plots and characters from the game.

Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.