4 Things Everyone Wants From Sherlock Series 3

4. No Hints At Sexual Tension Between John And Sherlock

U Aren€™t we all tired of the John/Lock shippers? You know the type: usually young girls who fetishize homosexuality by writing fan fiction about Sherlock and John in a sexually romantic relationship? For them, it€™s just not enough that these two are very close friends. They sift through every single interaction between them, concluding that they are in fact homosexual lovers and if you don€™t agree or believe it to be out of character for Sherlock to love ANYONE then you are certainly a bigoted homophobe. We hope that Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss make a conscious effort to minimize on any potential jumping off points for conjectural homosexual pairings. Not that there€™s anything wrong with homosexuality, mind you, but even Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have expressed their discomfort with this trend.

Trevor Gentry-Birnbaum spends most of his time sitting around and thinking about things that don't matter.