4 TV Show Genres That Need To Disappear

1. Reality Shows

_1262048818 You knew this one was coming the second you clicked on this article. Reality shows are the cancer that is destroying TV from the inside. They're the reason why terrorists hate our freedom. Picture every single bad thing about TV, every single thing I've criticised in this article. All of those things, every single one of those mistakes is committed by reality shows, and yet they're spawning like Gremlins in a monsoon. In the middle of the ocean. In a building that has a 50ft pool on every floor. They're the cheapest form of entertainment, and the fastest way to build a career in Hollywood without having actual talent. All you have to do is be obnoxious, insult people in front of the camera, do embarrassing things that would disprove evolution, and that's it. You've just won 30 million dollars by making the whole world 42% dumber. Nowadays everyone has a Reality TV show, and they're pretty much on every single channel you go to. It makes me very sad to see that people keep watching these programs; why not watch something better? Something with an actual story and characters? Is it because it makes people use their brains? Why on Earth would you rather watch stupid shows rather than something substantial? Hell, if you want to see real people making bad decisions, why not watching a documentary? There are plenty of documentaries focused on people like them, but instead of making them look like divas, they treat them like the worthless pieces of scum you'll ever see. And the funniest thing is that these shows aren't even real. They're scripted like every other program on TV, maybe not in the same way as an ordinary TV show is written, but there are people involved in the production thinking of ways this show can gather more of an audience and they set things up for the people on them to behave according to some situation. They made me lose all hope for humanity, and there are no signs that these shows will stop being made. Despite how much people hate them and criticise them, reality TV will never die. They're like a Hydra; if you cancel one show, two more are green-lighted. Having so many great shows that are cancelled every season, so many great series that don't go beyond the pilot episode, while reality shows keep coming year after year; it seems that this torment will never end. Let's hope that maybe one day it will.
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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.