5 Best Game Of Thrones Characters Who Are Only In One Episode

1. Karsi

Game of Thrones

A bit like Ian McShane, Karsi is a one off appearance that pulled the rug from under us a bit. While Birgitte Hjort Sorensen doesn’t have McShane’s reputation, she’s a well respected actress in her native Denmark, and Karsi looked set to be her breakout English-language role.

Despite her solitary appearance, it could still be the making of her. She didn’t just feature in any old episode, but in Hardhome, often considered the series’ finest ever outing. What’s most remarkable about her performance is that she was doing a job that had already been done, and still managed to strike a new chord with viewers.

In deciding to fight with Jon (then imploring Jon to leave to keep her children safe back at Castle Black), Karsi helps humanise the Wildlings, in contrast to the likes of the King of Bones.

But Jon and Ygritte’s love story had already touched our hearts, Mance had already won our respect. Tormund fighting to the last because ‘this is how a man ends, boy’ showed their resilience and honour. Still, Karsi added to that, showing us a gentler, motherly side. Reminding us once and for all that the Wildlings are just like everybody else.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)