5 Best Power Rangers Theme Songs

2. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0YkXmebAGM Iconic and undeniably brilliant, this theme will go down in television history. I've never been a fan of metal, rock or anything remotely guitary, but this song is 100% on my iPod, fuelling me on my way whilst on the treadmill at the gym. I challenge any one of you to argue that the chorus to this is anything other than perfection. Rousing and entirely upbeat, this theme tune used to make me feel untouchable and always made me crave my red Ranger outfit from my parents, a present that never came.

As a freelance journalist, I quite enjoy writing. I suppose that is fairly crucial to it! I'm a huge fan of electronic music, I watch the telly from time to time and hold highly critical views of most films. If any of this tickles your fancy, you can follow me on Twitter @jwebbjordan