5 Best Top Gear Challenges

3. Turn A Car Into A Train

top_gear_caravan_train Train travel is expensive, because trains are expensive to build. Maybe not looking at the whole picture, but certainly some Top Gear logic you can only argue with to a point. Thus, the boys set about making a train from a car, and some caravans. Two cars in fact, as their initial Jaguar XJS was unable to pull any of the carriages, and so was instead converted into a Train GTI by Clarkson. Hammond and May meanwhile, tried again with an Audi S8, which thanks to its four wheel drive was indeed able to pull all four carriages: First Class, Buffet Car, Second Class, and Scum Class. Having proved such a thing was possible, transporting a number of train officials armed with clipboards and decibel-ometers descended into yet another of Top Gear's comedy classics. Both trains travelled between Leicester and Loughborough (or there abouts) with hilarious 'consequences', but for different reasons. As you would expect, Clarkson went for speed, but found it difficult to overtake on train tracks, and going back to find a point where he could switch tracks only left him heading towards another train heading towards him, and a lot more reversing. Hammond and May however, went for the more slapstick approach. Acting as the train Steward, Hammond had to cope with small doors, pringles falling off shelves, a small fire, and May taking over the tannoy announcements. And then right at the end, the Scum class coach was destroyed by an oncoming locomotive.
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