5 Characters Marvel Need To Add To Their Netflix Shows

2. The Hood

Moon Knight Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

The first thing that The Hood adds to Marvel's Netflix environment is a new crime boss for our heroes to contend with. He'd make the perfect foil for Luke Cage or The Punisher either immediately or as someone who is revealed to be pulling strings in the latter half of a series, which could help pace a series given that the thirteen episode length can sometimes fall prey to lulls in action.

Parker Robbins was also once a servant for Dr. Strange's nemesis, Dormammu. Magic is nothing new to Marvel's Netflix-housed heroes so if he were to appear as a servant to the nefarious Dormammu this would help do two things: provide a link to the larger MCU and open a door for the return of Dormammu after the events of Dr. Strange.

Not only would The Hood provide a pain for the heroes but he would be more of a formidable opponent to Kingpin than previous crime bosses vying for power in New York.


Gary has been reading Marvel Comics since he was 6 years old. Rather than retain knowledge on things such as Maths or Science - he chose to become a sponge for most things Marvel. He has a longstanding grudge against Iron Man he has harbored since Civil War(2006).