5 Common TV Show Flaws And How to Fix Them

2. The Suddenly (and Briefly) Relevant Character Point

Once more, this comes down to lazy writing, and most commonly occurs in sit-coms. It goes something like this: Generic Sitcom Character A: Hey, good thing you joined us. We€™re helping Sitcom Character C overcome his crippling phobia of Ice Cream.Generic Sitcom Character B: Wasn€™t he just seen eating an ice cream normally last week?Generic Sitcom Character A: Exposure therapy. Anyway, it€™s had a major impact on all of our lives during the last few years, as I€™m sure you can imagine.Generic Sitcom Character B: Oh, yeah. Definitely. Sadly I can€™t help, as my estranged brother is visiting. I would have mentioned him earlier, but we feuded. Don€™t worry about learning his name, though €“ after we resolve our argument this episode, he€™ll leave and I won€™t ever mention him again.Generic Sitcom Character A: That€™s how my family deals with things. Such €˜one episode€™ plots are all too common, and there are countless examples of the events of an episode never having long term consequences within the series. Who can forget the Christmas Episode of Saved by the Bell in which Zack generously invites a homeless family to live with him, only for them never to be seen again once the episode ends? How to Fix It: Again, this boils down to planning. Major events or character points should be foreshadowed, not conveniently raised as needed and discarded directly afterwards.
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Laurence Gardner was born in Canterbury, England. After moving around various cities during his childhood, and spending some time travelling in Europe and America, he studied English Literature at Oxford University. Since then, he’s been living abroad, teaching English, learning a range of languages, and writing in his free time. He can currently be found in Heidelberg, working as an English Tutor and Translator and studying at the University. If you liked this article, follow him on Twitter to get automatic updates on his work.