5 Fox TV Shows That Were Cancelled Far Too Soon

4. Angel

Smile-Time-puppet-angel-24464706-1280-720 Although Firefly would be the obvious show from Joss Whedon to be on this list, there does come a time when you have let things go. It was ten years ago, most of us have moved on. One year later however, FOX cancelled the Buffy The Vampire Slayer spin-off Angel, which in many ways is much more of a crime. Although Angel ran for five seasons, four and half more than its sci-fi western cousin, allow me to explain. Unlike Firefly, the network (and audiences) not only knew what they had on their hands, but season five was arguably the strongest of the whole show. As Whedon himself rightly articulated, it was akin to a "healthy guy falling dead from a heart attack." Not only did the take over of the antagonistic Wolfram & Hart law firm gave the show a fresh spin, the Angel/Spike double act was a great regular addition, episodes such as Smile Time showed how ridiculous concepts could be brilliantly realised, and the Wesley/Fred romance took a heart-wrenching turn. While there are those that argue it ended on a high (which it undoubtedly did), considering this all came after the rather dreary season 4, just imagine what season 6 could have been. Even though the various fabled ratings systems showed how well Angel was doing, someone made the decision that it would come to an end. Luckily Whedon and co. were given enough warning to tie up loose ends though, and Not Fade Away made sure that the series didn't. One reason given for its unfathomable fate is the WB's move towards more reality TV, but all those angered at such an idea can take heed in the fact that the WB no longer exists as television network. Although it has been reported that the executive who made the final decision didn't stay with the network much longer than Angel did, his dismissal wasn't able to bring TV's most loved Vampire back from the beyond.

One man fate has made indescribable