5 Reasons Marvel Comics Are Failing

3. Movies And Conventions Don't Help The Comics

Marvel Smashed
Marvel Studios

When the movies tell a better linear story than the comics, there's something wrong.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been able to keep the films connected with an underlying story involving the infinity stones over the course of almost a decade. It was thought impossible to do that in the movie business, but it has blown up in a huge successful box office juggernaut.

The MCU has surpassed the source media it was borne from. And sadly for Marvel, moviegoers that aren't comic book readers aren't going to go backwards to read comics that are likely not telling the same story or not even supporting what they see on the big screen. Plus, cinemas have become so saturated with superhero genre films that there is no need to go and buy a comic book.

Just look at the state of conventions now: how much of a comic convention is actually about comic books? Increasing proportions are dedicated to the movies and TV, and the actors that play in them.

Hardcore comic collectors will be there for the comic vendors, but very few new customers.


A Samoan that watches too much wrestling, too many movies, reads too many comic books. I tell people that my favorite candy bar is "Whatchamacallit" just so they can be confused for a moment.