5 Reasons "The Walking Dead" Doesn't Refer To The Zombies
3. The Survivors Are Walking To Terminus
The fact that the survivors are constantly on the move (walking) to a safe haven that likely does not exist is symbolism in itself given the title. Naming their most recent destination Terminus only solidifies that symbolism. Terminus literally means the end of the line. Ever since Final Destination came out, phrases like that have been suspect. Since The Walking Dead sits firmly in the horror genre, the writers are aware of this. At this point in the show's history it would be more of a twist if Terminus was an actual paradise instead of a trap set by cannibals, crazies, power hungry jerks, or a place just about to get over run by zombies. Either way, the symbolism of everyone wandering around lost on railroad tracks in search of the end cannot be overlooked.
Kaitlin Bevis spent her childhood curled up with a book and a pen. If the ending didn't agree with her, she rewrote it. Because she's always wanted to be a writer, she spent high school and college learning everything she could to achieve that goal. After graduating college with a BFA and Master's in English, Kaitlin went on to write The Daughters of Zeus series. In addition to her fiction writing, she also writes for truuconfessions.com, Athens Parent Magazine, and WhatCulture.