1. Everyone Is Infected
Which means on a medical level the characters are dead men walking. They will all become walkers in the end. They are aware of this. They will likely take down their loved ones with them. The flue story line only further emphasized that point (and also raised the question of why everyone wasn't sleeping in separate locked cells with their keys hanging on the wall so they can easily let themselves out if they had the motor function to do so.) In a reality as terrifying as the one the "survivors" of the walking dead have found themselves in, they know their days are numbered. Their humanity is dying by inches both from the forces outside hardening them against one another and from the illness within. The survivors of The Walking Dead are dead men walking on a medical level because they are infected. They are dead men walking on a militant level because they are on the front lines of a war they can never hope to win. They even played dead men walking on what ultimately became death row. As they head down the road to their final destination, the only certainty they have is that their future is not looking too bright.
Kaitlin Bevis
Kaitlin Bevis spent her childhood curled up with a book and a pen. If the ending didn't agree with her, she rewrote it. Because she's always wanted to be a writer, she spent high school and college learning everything she could to achieve that goal. After graduating college with a BFA and Master's in English, Kaitlin went on to write The Daughters of Zeus series. In addition to her fiction writing, she also writes for truuconfessions.com, Athens Parent Magazine, and WhatCulture.
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