5 Reasons You Should Be Watching The Pete Holmes Show

1. Just a Lovable Guy You Want to Hang Out With

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_W9abjQemU Pete Holmes always describes himself as a dad at a BBQ handing out frescas. Even if he isn't doing his best particular material that episode you can't help but have fun as he riffs off of things on his note cards or how his jokes don't land. Pete Holmes is also never afraid to laugh at his own jokes. Take for instance when Pete had his parents in the audience, his father interrupted Rob Corddry's interview. Pete and Corddry were able to laugh if off and keep going to make a funny segment. Pete Holmes is a man who isn't in the business to make a lot of money. He is here because he loves exploring all forms of comedy and making us laugh. The only thing that's wrong with this show is that it is too short. It is a half hour long instead of the usual full hour. Pete doesn't let that weigh him down he gets in makes us laugh and leaves before we are sick of him. The Pete Holmes how returns February 24th and if you haven't given it a chance yet you should! Comment below if you're a fan of the show or if you check it out when it returns! Returning Feb 24th1 You can follow me on Twitter @TheProze, like my "Entertainment Buffet" page on facebook or check out my website with all my work. entertainmentbuffet.com

Brandon is a writer/comedian/director who is graduating from Columbia College Chicago in May of 2014. He has written comedy sketches, short films, and web series that can be found on entertainmentbuffet.com . Brandon writes and performs his own stand up comedy around the Chicago area as well. Brandon is a huge fan of anything Film, TV and WWE related.