5 Reasons Why Arrow Should Be Part Of The DC Cinematic Universe

3. We Can Explore The Current DC Universe

InjusticeLeague We all know how incredibly massive the DC universe is. With characters and stories that have existed for over 40 years, there's not much time to show all those stories in a movie or two. Even if they mention some of those elements and characters in the movie we would not see them for long, and most of the time it will be just as a small cameo. If we have a TV show that exists in the same universe, we have an opportunity to explore all those incredible things that are shown in the movies for a brief moment but that really needed more time on screen. We might see one or two visits of the General Swanwick in the show, or maybe even someone else who might show up in the sequel. Who knows? And while we're at it..

Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.