5 Reasons Why You Should Rewatch Batman Beyond
2. Passage Of Time
Decades worth of continuity aside, one of the more frustrating things in comics is their perspective of time. It never seems too clear as to when things happen and how much time has passed in-between; what happened in the comics over a couple of years may have only been a week within continuity, and so progression often feels slow and limited in comics. Batman Beyond puts these frustrations to rest, offering finality to a lot of characters' stories and providing the consequences of past actions to others.
The series' elderly Bruce Wayne is slotted into the life that he laid out for himself in his younger years. That is to say that his habit of keeping friends at a distance has left him lonely and jaded, particularly with the death of Alfred and Commissioner James Gordon. Moreover, an older Barbara Gordon is revealed to be the current Commissioner, having left behind her Batgirl persona long before the start of the series.
All of these developments showcase the consequences of one's actions and personal growth that are rarely shown in Batman comics and shows alike, as well as most comic books in general. The passage of time is crucial to the show's success of its teenage focus, bestowing a learning curve through the mistakes of those that came before.