5 Reasons You Should Be Watching The Good Wife

2. The Critical Acclaim

While not exactly on the Mad Men or Homeland scale of winning awards and critical acclaim, it's still won Emmys and a well-deserved top spot in most critics' must-see shows. Even when the show has an odd 'weak episode', it's still head and shoulders above ninety percent of other television. Julianna Marguiles, Archie Panjabi and Martha Plimpton have each won individual awards (each of them with an Emmy) for their roles on Good Wife and the show and the show's writers (created and helmed by impressive writing team and married couple Robert and Michelle King) have won a heap of awards and been nominated for even more. However, all the awards in the world can't make up for any lack of on-screen chemistry and on-page lacklustre writing. Fortunately, there's plenty in spades on either end, justifying both the Emmy and the award wins, as well as the number one reason to watch Good Wife...

Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.