5 Reasons You Should Watch The Man In The High Castle

1. A World With Deeply Rich Lore

The Man In The High Castle
Amazon Studios

The Man In The High Castle is a show that would greatly benefit from a documentary telling the story of how the world got to where it is by the time Season 1 starts. Think of the Conquest & Rebellion short series that came with the Game of Thrones DVD box set. Wasn't that just a fascinating glimpse into the history of Westeros?

The show perfects world building as it balances telling you the history of the world, while also never getting a character to lay down a massive exposition dump.

However, honestly, sometimes you will wish for that expo dump, especially if you're a history buff. The history that is given out in small details can often be even more interesting than the plot that is going on around that dialogue. This is hopefully an opening for a spin off of some kind, again, something you can help happen if you take this article's advice and watch this show!

The idea of a world where the Germans win World War II is obviously not a new one, but most media that decides to tackle it often relies solely on that concept to keep you interested and just puts you in a world where there's swastikas in London.

This is obviously something High Castle does as well, but it fleshes what this world would have looked like far better, adding a lot more depth to the universe rather than simply reminding us how much worse off the world would have been if the war had gone a different way.

This world is a dark reflection of our world in the 1960s where, instead of a Cold War being fought between the USA and the USSR, it is a battle between Germany and Japan.

Due to the effort put in to the history of this world, The Man In The High Castle is probably the best piece of alternate history you will ever experience.

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