5 Seinfeld Spin-Offs You Wish Had Happened

1. No Soup For You!

soup Yev Kassem, better know as The Soup Nazi, is one of those memorable characters who, despite only being in two episodes (one of them being the series finale) has had a long-lasting cultural impact. You can still hear people today say "No soup for you!" when the situation merits. When we first met him, he went from having a successful soup restaurant to shutting everything down after Elaine threatened to publish his recipes. So whatever ever happened to the Soup Nazi? A spin-off about his attempts to rebuild his business and insight into his personal life would have been something I'd have watched. One can only imagine how his professional and personas differed. Does he have a wife and kids, with whom he's a gentle, loving husband and father? Perhaps he's a single father with a teenage daughter and is the epitome of disciplinarian and overprotective father. There's a whole other side to the Soup Nazi we never got to see.

Matthew Hanover is a coffee addict and aspring novelist in Upstate New York. He blogs and tweets regularly.