5 Things Not To Do As A Guest On A Talk Show

3. Not Taking Your Medication Before Engaging In A Gun Control Debate With Piers Morgan

Case In Point; Alex Jones on Piers Morgan on CNN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWQPZ-taYBs For those that don't know Alex Jones, he's the poster boy of the American Conspiracy Brigade; his infowars.com website is the spot to go to suffer a brain aneurysm if you are into that sort of thing. He really hit the full-crazy steam button after the 9/11 attacks and has been spouting his views to anyone who will listen or just is too lazy to get up and change the internet radio frequency. Jones and similar 'MURICA! people like him created an online petition to have Morgan deported due to his stance on gun control and replacing Larry King. This subject is barely addressed on the show as Jones is more concerned with trying to put 10 hours of New World Order Conspiracy Theory into a span of 15 minutes. His rapid-fire delivery, crossed with a complete inability to appreciate social cues make this interview a complete fuck-fest for lovable ex-Brit Piers Morgan. Morgan wished to engage in a civilized debate over American gun culture after the Newton Massacre and those that thought he should be deported from America because of his anti-gun viewpoint. Watching the video you can see the exact moment when Morgan loses control of the interview; which is basically when he allows Jones to start talking. And he does. And he continues to do so, rambling on and looking at what appears to be a report he just printed off the internet about how great guns are. Morgan continually tries to redirect Jones into having a discussion with him to little avail, as if somehow even the mere thought of Jones answering a pre-determined question is a governmental conspiracy worthy of Fox Mulder.
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Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca and watching trailers on 2minutemovies.blogspot.ca.