Many spin-offs repeat the drama of the original show but with subtle details changed. Maybe the conflict is reversed or the gender roles get swapped. Supernatural does this once a season. It didn't used to. The now familiar pattern took more than two seasons to build up, but the writers have now perfected the art of repeat. Every season, Dean does something to make Sam feel robbed of his agency, causing Sam to get mad and walk away from hunting (or just Dean) for an episode or two. Dean feels guilty, then defensive, and then realizes he was never really in the wrong at all. The two brothers make up just before one of them dies. Then the living brother will either find a way to bring them back to life or move on with their own. Either way the dead brother comes back to life and gets angry because the living brother for making the wrong choice. Reverse, rinse, repeat, sometimes multiple times per season with surrogate brother characters just to mix things up a bit.
Kaitlin Bevis spent her childhood curled up with a book and a pen. If the ending didn't agree with her, she rewrote it. Because she's always wanted to be a writer, she spent high school and college learning everything she could to achieve that goal. After graduating college with a BFA and Master's in English, Kaitlin went on to write The Daughters of Zeus series. In addition to her fiction writing, she also writes for, Athens Parent Magazine, and WhatCulture.