6 Characters The Next Breaking Bad Spin-Off Should Focus On

4. Skinny Peter & Badger

Breaking Bad Skinny Pete Badger

Of all the characters to survive the events of the show and El Camino, it is surprising these two still made it out.

Jesse Pinkman's drug peddlers-cum-Walter-White-enforcers were a delight on screen; without their nonsensical drug ramblings, we wouldn't have seen a lighter side to Jesse Pinkman's tumbling life or the universe of the show as a whole.

If there were to be a spin-off with these two we imagine it would have to be a Dude Where's My Car? adventure involving them trying to complete a simple task in the dumbest way possible. And if that's too obvious of a road to go down, we caught a glimpse of how smart and resourceful Skinny Pete was in El Camino...

Despite being drug dealers, we get a sense these two have hearts of gold and would do anything for a friend in need; so maybe a side-adventure that follows these two helping out an unfortunate soul in need would be just what audiences needed to take a break from the neo-Nazis and cartel affiliates?

Still too grim? Then just get these two high on the blue stuff, and have them review and discuss films. Always a pleasure with these two.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!