6 Things Sleepy Hollow Got Right

3. A Diverse Cast That Doesn't Mention Their Diversity

Sleepy Hollow is one of the few popular shows that not only has a minority lead (the other one is Scandal) but frequently gives other cast members of color screen time. Women are also shown to be very strong and not need rescuing by the big strapping male hero. Abbie does a lot of saving of Ichabod's hide throughout the season. Shows like Arrow and Scandal are not afraid to show diversity in casting, but are smart enough not to harp on stereotypes or draw unnecessary attention to their color or sex, unless it makes sense in the story. Sleepy Hollow's Nicole Beharie, Orlando Jones, Lyndie Greenwood, Richard Cetrone (the Horseman), John Cho, Amandla Stenberg and others do a great job in showing the diversity and backbone of the show's casting.

Shawn “Loc Da’Borg” Jackson is a native of Mississippi, born in Vicksburg and raised in Philadelphia in Neshoba County. At the age of 15 he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and, later into his early 20s, he became Profoundly Deaf. Writing has been one of the main staples of his life and he has dedicated a good portion of it to educate, entertain and enthrall with the written word.