6 TV 'Comedies' That Are Ridiculously Depressing

4. South Park

Peep Show
Comedy Central

It's frustrating that South Park still gets dismissed as a crude show full of toilet humor since, while it was more like that in the early seasons, the show is actually the most on-point satire on TV today. It comments heavily on the current world and ultimately makes for sobering viewing.

Unlike The Simpsons, South Park doesn't usually do emotional episodes, although when they are done they're brilliant. For example, season 15's 'You're Getting Old' is a heart-breaking look at growing up that moved many viewers to tears. Those episodes are exceptions though and for the most part the show is a straight-forward comedy. That doesn't mean it isn't still depressing though.

South Park is a sad reminder of just how messed up our world really is and while the situations depicted in the show are just fantasy, they feel shockingly relatable. South Park presents a stark and haunting look at issues such as religious corruption, corporate greed, America's tolerance of violence, mob hysteria, racism, misogyny, war and pretty much every social issue and hypocrisy out there.

Since the show's satire feels so believable and true, it is a sad reminder of the general folly of mankind and the stupidity of our world. It is a brilliant, brilliant show and one of the funniest things ever in any medium, but it is undeaniably depressing.

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Peep Show
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.