7 Actors That Should've Been Nominated For An Emmy

4. Jake Johnson - New Girl

Jake Johnson The leading actor in a comedy category is pretty thin. No one really blows me away, and honestly I didn€™t know they were still making Matt LeBlanc€™s Episodes. Jake Johnson had a great year on New Girl. Not only because he got to cozy up with Olivia Munn and Zooey Deschanel, but also he showed more range than most sitcoms allow. We watched Nick do a lot of physical comedy ( Julius Pepperwood anybody? ), but also his ability to be a goofy€”odd man out, and also a real person. There was the episode when Nick€™s dad died (Four Roommates and a Funeral), and basically any scene where Nick struggles with his feelings for Jess. The will-they won€™t-they has been played out on most shows, and due to Johnson and Deschanel€™s awkward performances, this felt the most real.
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I'm currently getting my masters in Writing and Publishing in Chicago. I usually fill my time with marathoning great television. My favorite shows are The Sopranos, Mad Men, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Wire, Lost, and so much more. Count on me to write mainly about television.