7 Legendary TV Characters Who Deserve A Prequel Spin-Off

2. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks was one of the original TV phenomenons, where entire days could be lost discussing what had happened on the show the night before. It was a true TV event, but one that was ultimately ruined the moment the guys in charge demanded that David Lynch and Mark Frost reveal the killer of Laura Palmer, the Homecoming queen of a fictional Washington town where nothing was as it seemed. It was all downhill from the moment the truth was revealed, but the one constant was the wonderfully surreal and hilarious portrayal of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper, played by Kyle Maclachlan. Just hearing Cooper talking about coffee or pie is enough to have you in fits, and that is before you get to his Agent Smith-like calm when he€™s on the job, and his unconventional and spiritual methods of crime fighting and investigation. Dale Cooper€™s prequel show would show him rising through the ranks of the FBI, solving cases with visions, dreams and other mystical means, and thus being seen as a controversial figure and an outcast. You could have so much fun with such an eccentric character, and Twin Peaks€™ continued cult status would guarantee a small yet committed audience.

Daley is a freelance writer, blogger and filmmaker. Since graduating in Creative Writing and Journalism, he has written about everything from Film, Music, Boxing and Digital Marketing. He has also written and produced short films which have been shown in Festivals all over the world.