7 Problems With Netflix Nobody Wants To Admit

4. Things Get Randomly Removed

Buffy cast
Mutant Enemy Productions

You're making your way through a series on Netflix, really getting into the binge-watching spirit. Then you might leave it a day or two and come back, and discover, to your abject horror, that the show you had just devoted an entire weekend to has disappeared. You frantically search through the catalogue to no avail, until a Google search uncovers the horrifying truth: it's gone. But how could this be? You were just getting to know each other. You still had two seasons left to go. WHY?!?!

Ok, it might not be that dramatic, but it is a familiar scene for many Netflix users, when something you're watching unexpectedly expires and you're left with an unfinished series (and no easy (see: legal) means of finishing it).

I can remember it happening to me a few years ago with 30 Rock, which has still never returned (and more's the pity, though I did thankfully get it finished), it happened with Gilmore Girls a few years ago too (though that did come back last year, ahead of the Netflix revival. This year I went to re-watch Buffy in honour of the series' 20th anniversary only to discover it had disappeared a while ago. Now TV has a good feature where it alerts you to how long certain shows or episodes are available for, and Netflix should probably consider something similar. Blerg.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.