7 Reasons Westworld Is Your Next TV Addiction

6. Blood 'N' Guts

Westworld Anthony Hopkins Dr Robert Ford

Don't pretend that you don't love a good dramatic TV death, because I sure do. For anyone wondering how you can feel compassion for hunks of metal and silicon, the robots in Westworld actually bleed - further adding to the complications of who is a robot and who is a human. I still don't know!

As with all good shows that have you hooked, the crux of Westworld asks, "Is my favourite character really dead?" With a pretty high robot-to-human ratio, it means that your top cast members may be riddled full of bullets one minute, then back on the ranch the next. Good news for those who aren't great at mourning a loss, but not so good for those who love a good Game of Thrones shock death. You can expect scalpings, hangings, open surgery, and good old Western shootouts. However, if you still aren't convinced - the 'guts' of Westworld is a well put together script, and even the odd Shakespeare quote thrown in for good measure. There may be gratuitous violence, but it finds itself under a very intellectual plot line.

Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to see someone literally bite the bullet. With the lines blurred of who is who in Westworld, expect a few surprise departures along the way too. Things are looking pretty grim for Hopkins' Dr. Ford, who I am tipping to bow out before the series end.

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Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap