7 Ups & 1 Down For Star Trek: Lower Decks 5.10 - The New Next Generation
8. UP — Malor Manoeuvres

Though made a little too evident in the 'Previously On,' the great strength of The New Next Generation was to tie in, and to tie up, threads from throughout the season. Thankfully, "Prepare for ramming speed" was anathema to one particular Klingon. There is never a good day to waste wine! "Little?" in this case would have barely stained Relga's shields.
The return of Ma'ah and Malor was a welcome (half-)surprise. Sam Witwer is certainly having quite the few weeks — appearing twice now in Lower Decks, and once as Kirk(s) in 765874: Unification. The brothers of A Farewell to Farms are a fun duo. It is Malor who adds the most intriguing twist on what has arguably become a rather stilted portrayal of the Klingons, via almost exclusively their so-called 'warrior caste'. Some Klingons do just prefer things "salty and sweet".
In point of fact, and aside from avoiding pointless death and requesting asylum aboard the Cerritos in the first place, Malor's biggest manoeuvre in The New Next Generation was to save the entire universe, nay the multiverse. Were it not for his 'analogy of the dam' last minute, they'd all be damned. Praise should also go to Commander Ransom for his own honourable manoeuvre, at considerable personal risk, in hiding Malor.