7 Worst Things That Happened To Star Wars In 2022

5. Boba Fett Was Completely Overshadowed In His Long-Awaited Show

The Book Of Boba Fett Cad Bane Death

Sticking with the first live-action Star Wars project 2022 boasted on Disney+, said Luke Skywalker deepfake appearance actually forms part of the major issue many had with the series once the dust had settled on Boba Fett's supposed solo spin-off.

Far from being a focused story centred around the scenario the iconic figure found himself in after taking control of Jabba the Hutt's criminal empire on Tatooine, or a deep dive into his compelling history as a bounty hunter away from the Skywalker Saga, The Book of Boba Fett spends a lot of its time either changing the way you view Tusken Raiders via flashbacks or trying to infuse The Mandalorian tales into Boba's story.

And while seeing the likes of Din Djarin, Grogu, Ahsoka, and the aforementioned Skywalker again definitely set the stage for some of the series' undisputed highlights, it also largely left the titular leading character feeling rather overshadowed and even dull by comparison.

There's a reason very few have been in a rush to call for another season of Boba-led action.

The show ultimately felt like little more than a set-up for the upcoming third season of The Mandalorian. And will likely be viewed as a bit of a let down in hindsight by those who'd be clamouring for a Fett spin-off project for an age.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...